These dashboards provide details of all traffic Penalty Charge Notices issued to vehicles in the London Borough of Barnet since 1 January 2015. Analysis of issued PCNs can be carried out by filtering the following fields;    

  • Day of the week
  • Date
  • Year
  • Issue Date of PCN
  • Contravention code
  • Street name
  • Issue time
  • Hours


Users can select the criteria by which to filter their search within each section. In some cases, selecting an option in one field may limit the options remaining available in other fields.

Once the search is complete, the user should click the ‘Click here to clear filters’ button. This resets the dashboard for a new search.

We have also provided the raw data used to build the dashboards as machine-readable csv files.


UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
2 years ago  