London Borough of Barnet
Added 4 years ago

Library statistics 2017-18 There are the following tabs on the excel file 'Table 1 Loans' - contains data on loans for the financial year. A loan is a loan + renewal where applicable  'Table 2 Stock' - the amount of library stock available to customers according to the library management system  'Table 3 Additions' - the amount of library stock added to the library...

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 4 years ago

Monthly, year to date and rolling year sickness absence and cost of absence by council delivery unit

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 5 years ago

This provides the underlying data and volumes behind the reported performance of CSG Customer Service and presented quarterly to the Performance and Contract Management Committee. It is recognised that the email volumes recorded do not reflect the total number of emails received by the council, as has always been the case, and includes some webforms. This does not affect the quality...

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 5 years ago

This provides the underlying data and volumes behind the reported performance of CSG Customer Service and presented quarterly to the Performance and Contract Management Committee. It is recognised that the email volumes recorded do not reflect the total number of emails received by the council, as has always been the case, and includes some webforms. This does not affect the quality...

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 5 years ago

Monthly, year to date and rolling year sickness absence and cost of absence by council delivery unit

London Borough of Barnet
Added 6 years ago

This provides the underlying data and volumes behind the reported performance of CSG Customer Service and presented quarterly to the Performance and Contract Management Committee. It is recognised that the email volumes recorded do not reflect the total number of emails received by the council, as has always been the case, and includes some webforms. This does not affect the quality...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 6 years ago

This dataset contains Barnet's raw data for ward level well being indicators as well as related scores. We have also linked to the Greater London Authority data for London as a whole as well as an interactive tool you can use to interrogate the data. These ward level well being scores present a combined measure of well-being indicators of the resident...

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 6 years ago

This forms part of the Sustainable Transport Strategy Resource Library, please click here for more information. There has never been a larger volume of strategies and guidance for improving transport in London. There are many consultancies as well as government organisations that provide these and they provide the basis for all programmes instigated by Local Authorities.

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 6 years ago

Register of Local Authority Pollution Prevention and control (LAPPC) Environmental Permits. For more information, please see the council's web page on Part B authorisation

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 6 years ago

Monthly, year to date and rolling year sickness absence and cost of absence by council delivery unit