London Borough of Barnet
Added 3 years ago

Monthly, year to date and rolling year sickness absence and cost of absence by council delivery unit

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 4 years ago

Monthly, year to date and rolling year sickness absence and cost of absence by council delivery unit

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 4 years ago

Monthly, year to date and rolling year sickness absence and cost of absence by council delivery unit

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 5 years ago

Monthly, year to date and rolling year sickness absence and cost of absence by council delivery unit

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 6 years ago

Monthly, year to date and rolling year sickness absence and cost of absence by council delivery unit

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 7 years ago

Monthly, year to date and rolling year sickness absence and cost of absence by council delivery unit

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 10 years ago

Monthly, year to date and rolling year sickness absence and cost of absence by council delivery unit