London Borough of Barnet
Updated 7 years ago

Annual statistics on Libraries in the London Borough of Barnet including: Loans Stock Additions Deletions Reservations Borrowers For more information visit the Barnet Libraries webpage

London Borough of Barnet
Added 7 years ago

Annual statistics on Libraries in the London Borough of Barnet including: Yearly and weekly visitor figures For more information visit the Barnet Libraries webpage

London Borough of Barnet
Added 7 years ago

Contract between London Borough of Barnet and Cambridge Education for the provision of Education & Skills services.

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 7 years ago

Annual statistics on Libraries in the London Borough of Barnet including: Loans Stock Additions Deletions Reservations Borrowers For more information visit the Barnet Libraries webpage

London Borough of Barnet
Added 9 years ago

The Borough has 14 Libraries which have received over 1.5 million visitors during the the year. For more information visit the Barnet Libraries webpage