Tonnages of household waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting


WasteDataFlow - the web based system for statutory reporting of municipal waste data by UK local authorities to government. Members of the public can register for public access to WasteDataFlow on their website, where there is a user guide for the public, which includes instructions for registering.


DEFRA waste and recycling statistics – website provides a range of waste datasets including local authority and commercial waste  


Waste and Resources Action Programmewebsite provides statistics from WasteDataFlow outputs and information on local authority waste and recycling services. Members of the public can register and log in to the site.


UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
7 years ago  
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Tonnages of household waste sent for reuse, recycling & composting 2016-17.xlsx

Tonnages of household waste sent for reuse, recycling & composting 2016-17