This section outlines the assumptions we have used as a basis for Barnet Council’s Municipal Recycling & Waste Strategy and the various evidence collated that supports them

EO1 - The European Union has backed up recycling targets with a penalty system that is supported by fines (similar to the Landfill Tax system). Central Government has the ability to passport these penalties to failing councils

EO2 - The whole systems costs of each of the waste services such as residual waste collections, garden waste collections, fly tips, bring banks, hazardous waste, and street cleansing are known in 2015. (High level information has been provided in the text of the strategy)

EO3 - North London Waste Authority costs will be paid for through a menu pricing arrangement by 2021

EO4 - The long serving Edmonton energy from waste plant will be decommissioned by 2030. Either a new replacement facility will be built or the existing facility will undergo a significant upgrade or an alternative disposal route will be found. The result of these scenarios is likely to be an increase in waste disposal costs

EO5 - Financial efficiencies are required by Barnet Council from 2015 to 2020

EO6 - By 2020 further efficiencies will be required to meet Member and resident expectations

EO7 - For some services it costs more to separately collect items for reuse and recycling compared to collecting all waste together

EO8 - It costs more to send waste for disposal than it does to send it for recycling or composting

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