Under the Local Government Transparency Code 2015, local authorities must publish details of all land and building assets including:

• All service and office properties occupied or controlled by user bodies, both freehold and leasehold

• Any properties occupied or run under Private Finance Initiative contracts

• All other properties they own or use, for example, hostels, laboratories, investment properties and depots

• Garages unless rented as part of a housing tenancy agreement

• Surplus, sublet or vacant properties

• Undeveloped land

• Serviced or temporary offices where contractual or actual occupation exceeds three months

• All future commitments, for example under an agreement for lease, from when the contractual commitment is made

Right to contest

The Government has introduced The Right to Contest, which provides a process to challenge government to sell land or property if you believe it’s not needed and could be put to better economic use. Further information and details of the application process can be found on the Government website here.


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UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
5 years ago  
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Local authority land and assets 2022Jan 2022

land and properties owned, occupied or managed by the Local Authority.