A dataset and associated pdf showing pupil allocations for Voluntary Aided, Foundation Schools, Free Schools & Academies in Barnet for the 2015/16 intake.

Criterion under which final place offered (furthest straight line distance in miles shown where applicable)

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
9 years ago  
2 files
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Voluntary Aided, Foundation Schools, Free Schools & Academies allocationsAug 2015 — Jun 2016

The Allocation of places at Voluntary Aided, Foundation Schools, Free Schools & Academies - Criterion under which final place offered (furthest straight line distance in miles shown where applicable)

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Voluntary Aided, Foundation Schools, Free Schools & Academies allocations - csvAug 2015 — Jun 2016

The Allocation of places at Voluntary Aided, Foundation Schools, Free Schools & Academies - Criterion under which final place offered (furthest straight line distance in miles shown where applicable) - csv format