This section outlines the assumptions we have used as a basis for Barnet Council's Municipal Recycling & Waste Strategy and the various evidence collated that supports them 

R1 - Our residents' expectation of services will remain high. This will mean that as budgets reduce the delivery of services against residents' expectations will become increasingly challenging

R2 - As targets become harder to deliver - groups of Councils and other relevant bodies act together to standardise communications campaigns - possibly London wide

R3 - There is no evidence for this assumption, therefore it is not supported

R4 - To achieve our objectives we believe that behaviour change will be required. Evidence from other local authorities has demonstrated that significant behaviour change and financial savings can be achieved by changing the capacity for residual waste, either through the introduction of smaller residual waste bins or moving to alternate week collections. Within blocks of flats closing the residual waste chutes can have a similar effect

R5 - Evidence from other authorities shows that well designed education campaigns backed up by enforcement campaigns, (including the introduction of compulsory recycling initiatives and campaigns aimed at reducing fly-tipping and littering) are useful tools to influence behaviour

R6 - While volunteering will remain a useful way for the public to support services, the Council has a legal duty to provide some services and will remain the main provider of recycling and residual waste services

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