The purpose of the Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) is to provide a robust future action plan for sports facilities in Barnet. The outcomes arising from the assessment will inform the LBB Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) which will underpin the Local Plan. The IDP’s purpose is to set out an analysis and assessment of existing infrastructure provision within Barnet including playing pitches, and identify existing and future needs and demands for the Council to support new development and a changing population to 2031. This provides evidence for the consideration for additional inclusion in the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) or in the application of S106.

The updated PPS has been developed in accordance with Sport England guidelines and with the involvement of the National Governing Bodies of the sports to which it relates: Cricket, Football, Hockey, Rugby Union and Tennis; in addition to Sport England. The draft strategy also takes into account the requirements Gaelic Football in Barnet.

Sports clubs and leagues, together with pitch providers based in the Borough were all involved in the development of the draft strategy; ensuring the capture of the views and opinions of the local sports community on the adequacy of provision of playing pitches in Barnet. 

The 2017 Playing Pitch Strategy can be found here: Draft Playing Pitch Strategy 2017 | Barnet Open Data

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10 months ago  