London Borough of Barnet
Updated 24 days ago

Historical documents, books, pictures and maps relating to the history of the area of the London Borough of Barnet. Some of the documents are complete volumes containing hundreds of pages and the files are large (250mb+.) They may take a little time to download.

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 3 months ago

The dataset contains polygons for conservation areas within the London Borough of Barnet. Conservation areas are those areas identified by the Local Planning Authority as having special architectural or historic interest which merits designation. Conservation area character appraisals, boundary maps and guidance notes can be downloaded from the Council’s website. This data is an active and changing record of conservation...

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 8 years ago

Report on all Historic Environment Records (HERs) in the London Borough of Barnet. HERs are datasets that seek to provide access to comprehensive and dynamic resources relating to the historic environment of a defined geographic area for public benefit and use. More information on HERs can be found on the Historic England website. Report generated from the Greater London Historic Environment Record. This information...