London Borough of Barnet
Updated a month ago

List of properties licensed under the Council’s HMO Licensing Scheme. This list is updated on a monthly basis. Under section 232 of The Housing Act 2004 the London Borough of Barnet is required to maintain and make available a public register of licensed Houses in Multiple Occupations.  An extract of the register is published on the Council’s website here. The dataset is not...

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 5 months ago

This is a dataset of the London Borough of Barnet's Brownfield Land Register The Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017 require local planning authorities to maintain a register of their brownfield sites that are suitable for housing. The London Borough of Barnet Strategic Planning Committee signed off the 2022 Brownfield Land Register on 13 June 2023. Brownfield Land Register.pdf (moderngov.co.uk) Appendix 1...

London Borough of Barnet
Updated a year ago

Under the Local Government Transparency Code we are required to publish details on the value of social housing assets within our Housing Revenue Account. Information to be published using the specified value bands and postal sector: · Total number of homes · Aggregate value and mean value of the dwellings for both existing use value (social housing) and market value,   And   · Percentage of homes...

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 5 years ago

The quarterly performance of the measures of success outlined in the council's Corporate Plan. Further information can be found at the following links: Corporate Plan and performance Reporting guide Financial Performance and Contracts Committee Policy and Resources Committee Adults and Safeguarding Committee Assets, Regeneration and Growth Committee Children, Education & Safeguarding Committee Community Leadership and Libraries Committee Environment Committee Housing Committee 2019/20 Performance data can be found here 2017/18 Performance data can be found here

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 6 years ago

Established in 2004, Barnet Homes is an Arm’s Length Management Organisation (ALMO), a not-for-profit company, part of The Barnet Group which is wholly owned by the Council. The 10-year Management Agreement with Barnet Homes provides the housing management service to the tenanted and leasehold properties owned by the Council. This includes income collection, empty property management, repairs, estate cleaning and grounds maintenance.

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Added 7 years ago

This data is extracted from the Technical Annex associated with the GLA publication: “2013 Town Centre Health Check report’, which has also been included here. The original data is published on the London Datastore. The indicators for this database are categorised in the following sub-headings: ‘scale and function’, ‘capacity’, ‘financial performance’, ‘accessibility’,...

Department for Communities and Local Government
Added 7 years ago

Link to UK Government page providing statistics on the sales of social housing stock in England, both nationwide and by Local Authority – whether owned by local authorities or private registered providers. The most common of these sales are by the Right to Buy (and preserved Right to Buy) scheme and there are separate tables for sales under that scheme.

Barnet Homes
Updated 8 years ago

The number of households where a homeless decision has been taken during each quarter since Q1 2013/14. Data is based on financial quarters e.g. Q1 is a snapshot at the end of June

Barnet Homes
Updated 8 years ago

The number of households where a homeless decision has been taken during the quarter and the decision has been that the households is eligible,  unintentionally homeless and in priority need. Data is based on financial quarters e.g. Q1 is a snapshot at the end of June

Barnet Homes
Updated 8 years ago

The number of households living in bed and breakfast accommodation (including hotels) at the end of each quarter. Data is based on financial quarters e.g. Q1 is a snapshot at the end of June