Joint Strategic Needs Assessment 2024

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)

The Barnet Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) presents data to support the local authority, local NHS organisations and other public and private organisations including the voluntary sector, assess the current and future health, care and wellbeing needs of the borough and our community  to inform local decision making.

A comprehensive picture of the borough is presented through a range of data and intelligence relating to demography, and factors that influence our health, wellbeing, and behaviours.

The JSNA is based on Our Plan for Barnet‘s three pillars of Caring for People, our Places and the Planet. The different JSNA chapters can be viewed below by selecting the relevant pillar.




Do you have feedback about the JSNA?

A feedback form can be accessed here. Your feedback is valuable to us and we appreciate any comments or suggestions you have about the JSNA.