Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
To access the most recent JSNA please click here.
What is the JSNA?
The Barnet Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) presents data to support the local authority, local NHS organisations and other public and private organisations including the voluntary sector, assess the current and future health, care and wellbeing needs of the borough and our community to inform local decision making.
A comprehensive picture of the borough is presented through a range of data and intelligence relating to demography, and factors that influence our health, wellbeing, and behaviours.
In summary, the JSNA is an assessment of the health and wellbeing needs of the local area.
What is the purpose of the JSNA?
The JSNA provides insight and intelligence on the current picture of the utilisation of services and needs of the local population; highlighting where there might be unmet need which allows for general or targeted interventions ensuring the efficient use of public funds and resources to improve health, care and wellbeing and reduce inequity in access and inequality of outcomes.
There is a statutory duty for the local authority to work with partners in the NHS and other partner organisations to regularly maintain and refresh a JSNA. The JSNA informs strategy and decision making, including Barnet’s Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWS), the Barnet Plan and other key strategies.
Our aim is to ensure the Barnet JSNA provides a shared, trusted, and impartial evidence base across the council, irrespective of organisational or departmental boundaries, to ensure a co-ordinated approach to service design and provision, with the aim of improving outcomes of Barnet residents.
What Does the JSNA Contain?
There are a range of key indicators used in creating the JSNA, which have been grouped into the below categories and centred around the Barnet Plan:
- People
- Places
- Planet
How to navigate the JSNA
The JSNA is hosted online as an interactive tool, designed to be easily accessible to all that use it. The icons at the top of the page correspond to the JSNA categories listed above, and clicking on them takes you to their respective pages.
Whilst the majority of the data will be refreshed on an annual basis, it is open to updates throughout the year, where data is available, to ensure the information is up to date and relevant.
In refreshing this JSNA, Barnet have adopted a new format comprising of embedded dashboards, which are interactive – Each section also contains an overview of the data presented as well as contextual narrative where appropriate.
Where to go for help?
If you require any further information or assistance in relation to the JSNA, please email: