London Borough of Barnet
Added 4 years ago

Library statistics 2018-19 There are the following tabs on the excel file 'Table 1 Loans' - contains data on loans for the financial year. A loan is a loan + renewal where applicable 'Table 2 Stock' - the amount of library stock available to customers according to the library management system 'Table 3 Additions' - the amount of library stock added to the library...

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London Borough of Barnet
Added 4 years ago

Library statistics 2017-18 There are the following tabs on the excel file 'Table 1 Loans' - contains data on loans for the financial year. A loan is a loan + renewal where applicable  'Table 2 Stock' - the amount of library stock available to customers according to the library management system  'Table 3 Additions' - the amount of library stock added to the library...

London Borough of Barnet
Added 4 years ago

Links to all the most current library datasets can be found below

Department for Education
Updated 4 years ago

Statistics on children under local authority care at national and local authority level. Includes London Borough of Barnet data

Department for Education
Updated 4 years ago

Department for Education release (includes Barnet data) Details Information on: children in need of social services children referred to social services assessments undertaken, primary need at assessment and factors identified at the end of assessment section 47 enquiries (a local authority carries out one of these if they suspect a child is suffering, or likely to suffer, significant...

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 4 years ago

The Street Lighting inventory includes details for each street lighting asset maintained by the London Borough of Barnet and comprises information regarding each assets type, its light source, unique asset identifier, the mounting heights and locations both in a road and, more specifically, whereabouts in the pavement area the asset is situated. © London Borough of Barnet, 2020 © Crown copyright and database...

London Borough of Barnet
Added 4 years ago

Corporate performance by month against the statutory 20 working day target for requests under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. More information about the Act can be found on our website.

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 4 years ago

As part of the new Corporate Plan (Barnet 2024), each Theme Committee produced an Annual Delivery Plan for 2019/20 which identified performance indicators. Performance indicators are reported quarterly and can be found below. More information about the delivery plans can be found here. Performance indicators are reported to the following committees. More information and context can be found below: Adults and Safeguarding Committee Children, Education...

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 4 years ago

Monthly, year to date and rolling year sickness absence and cost of absence by council delivery unit

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 4 years ago

With the aim of going over and above the requirements of the Local Government Transparency Code 2015, the Council now publishes all Council expenditure down to the smallest payment. The Council will publish data monthly in arrears capturing all the individual disclosures provided during the year. For reasons of privacy, payments to individuals including foster carers, children's and...