London Borough of Barnet
Updated 5 years ago

Under the Local Government Transparency Code 2015, local authorities must publish details of all land and building assets including: • All service and office properties occupied or controlled by user bodies, both freehold and leasehold • Any properties occupied or run under Private Finance Initiative contracts • All other properties they own or use, for example, hostels, laboratories, investment properties and depots • Garages...

London Borough of Barnet
Added 5 years ago

This register contains all the council's active and compliant contracts, greater or equal to £10,000 in total contract value in 2019/20 to date. All contracts were live at time of publishing. Some contracts may expire prior to the next quarter’s contract publication

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 5 years ago

A list of polling stations in the London Borough of Barnet. Includes Polling District, Ward and address details.

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 5 years ago

The London Borough of Barnet has entered into 2 major new contracts that will save the Barnet taxpayer over £165m over 10 years, and deliver a wide range of service improvements to Barnet residents. As part of the Council’s commitment to transparency, we have published the contract with Capita plc to provide the services that make up the Customer and Support...

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 5 years ago

This provides the underlying data and volumes behind the reported performance of CSG Customer Service and presented quarterly to the Performance and Contract Management Committee. It is recognised that the email volumes recorded do not reflect the total number of emails received by the council, as has always been the case, and includes some webforms. This does not affect the quality...

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 5 years ago

Local authorities must publish details of all grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations, as required by the Local Government Transparency Code 2014. Barnet is committed to transparency and we work with 360Giving to publish information about our grants. Our awarded grants for 2018/19 are therefore also made available as a csv file under the 360Giving standard. We believe that with better information,...

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 5 years ago

Local authorities must publish details of all grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations, as required by the Local Government Transparency Code 2014. Barnet is committed to transparency and we work with 360Giving to publish information about our grants. Our awarded grants for 2016/17 are therefore also made available as a csv file under the 360Giving standard.  We believe that with better information,...

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 5 years ago

Details of funerals conducted by London Borough of Barnet Data includes: Name Date of birth Date of death Last known address ...

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 5 years ago

Barnet council's officer response to DEFRA's Consultation on Introducing a Deposit Return Scheme in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Submitted 13 May 2019

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 5 years ago

Barnet council's officer response to DEFRA's consultation on reforming the UK packaging producer responsibility system. Submitted 13 May 2019