Barnet Homes
Updated 7 years ago

The number of households where a homeless decision has been taken during the quarter and the decision has been that the households is eligible,  unintentionally homeless and in priority need. Data is based on financial quarters e.g. Q1 is a snapshot at the end of June

Barnet Homes
Updated 7 years ago

The number of households living in bed and breakfast accommodation (including hotels) at the end of each quarter. Data is based on financial quarters e.g. Q1 is a snapshot at the end of June

Care Quality Commission
Updated 7 years ago

The link contains a complete list of the places in England where people carry out care that is regulated by CQC. It includes every hospital, care home, dentist and care home agency in England as well as other types of service like ambulances, prison care services and hospices. From April 2013 the list will include every GP practice as well. If you...

Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
Updated 7 years ago

A link to data from over 1500 sites across the UK that monitor air quality. They are organised into networks that gather a particular kind of information, using a particular method. There are two major types of network Automatic  non-automatic networks For each monitoring site you can select a range of statistics which are relevant to the particular monitoring method. Basic statistics...

NHS Digital
Updated 7 years ago

Link to which provides data on GPs, GP practices, nurses and pharmacies in the UK. Please note The GP practices file contains all prescribing cost centres as opposed to solely GP practices. Those that offer Out of Hours services, operate as Walk-In Centres or are situated within a prison are identified with a type...

NHS Digital
Updated 7 years ago

Practice demographic data are extracted as a quarterly snapshot in time from the GP Payments system maintained by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC). Data for GP Practices with 100 or fewer registered patients has been suppressed due to possible identification of individuals when data are linked to other data sets.

London Borough of Barnet
Added 7 years ago

Engage Barnet is the consultation hub for the London Borough of Barnet. This site will help you find and participate in consultations that interest you, as well as examine the data resulting from previous consultations.

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 7 years ago

Tonnages of household waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting WasteDataFlow - the web based system for statutory reporting of municipal waste data by UK local authorities to government. Members of the public can register for public access to WasteDataFlow on their website, where there is a user guide for the public, which includes instructions for registering. DEFRA waste and recycling statistics...

London Borough of Barnet
Added 7 years ago

This provides the underlying data and volumes behind the reported performance of CSG Customer Service and presented quarterly to the Performance and Contract Management Committee. It is recognised that the email volumes recorded do not reflect the total number of emails received by the council, as has always been the case, and includes some webforms. This does not affect the quality...

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 7 years ago

This provides the underlying data and volumes behind the reported performance of CSG Customer Service and presented quarterly to the Performance and Contract Management Committee. It is recognised that the email volumes recorded do not reflect the total number of emails received by the council, as has always been the case, and includes some webforms. This does not affect the quality...