London Borough of Barnet
Updated 9 years ago

Each year we are required to produce a statement of accounts that gives details of all our financial activities and its overall financial position. This is a technical document in order to meet both statutory requirements and proper accounting practice.

London Borough of Barnet
Added 9 years ago

Number of pupils on roll by school and national curriculum year group

London Borough of Barnet
Added 9 years ago

Key Stage 5 performance data for schools in Barnet, including the Barnet and national averages.

London Borough of Barnet
Added 9 years ago

Details of attendance in Barnet schools from 2012-13 to 2014-15 (Spring and Summer terms) and comparison with local authorities across the country

London Borough of Barnet
Added 9 years ago

Analysis of tonnages of household waste presented in recycling, food waste, garden waste and residual waste bins. Based on sample survey bin contents from a number of flats. Includes a comparison between the current separation of waste materials, and the optimal potential separation of waste materials for recycling.

London Borough of Barnet
Added 9 years ago

Analysis of tonnages of household waste presented in recycling, food waste, garden waste and residual waste bins. Based on sample survey bin contents from a number of houses carried out in November 2014 and April 2015. Includes a comparison between the current separation of waste materials, and the optimal potential separation of waste materials for recycling.

Posted 9 years ago

Welcome to new look Open Barnet, the data portal for the London Borough of Barnet. In collaboration with DataPress, we have redeveloped the site to be more than just a data catalogue. The new portal offers us much greater opportunities for presenting and developing our data and information, as well as a much more collaborative approach across the borough to interact...

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 9 years ago

Details of Public Health Funerals conducted by London Borough of Barnet (inc. Name, Date of birth, date of death, Last known address, Date of Funeral and whether information has been provided to Treasury Solicitors).

London Borough of Barnet
Added 9 years ago

This provides the underlying data and volumes behind the reported performance of CSG Customer Service and presented quarterly to the Performance and Contract Management Committee. It is recognised that the email volumes recorded do not reflect the total number of emails received by the council as has always been the case, and includes some webforms. This does not affect the quality...