London Borough of Barnet
Added 6 years ago

It is important that our strategy for the future development of the borough is based on an understanding of the characteristics that make Barnet what it is, and a knowledge of how it is likely to change. We have been collecting information from many sources to help us identify the key issues and opportunities for the future of the borough...

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 6 years ago

Data with regard to all complaints received by the council in the 2016/17 financial year. A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction of our services. Individuals may consider that: They have not been treated with courtesy and fairness They are unhappy about the standard of service they have received We have failed to provide a service to which...

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 6 years ago

Data with regard to all complaints received by the council in the 2015/16 financial year. A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction of our services. Individuals may consider that: They have not been treated with courtesy and fairness They are unhappy about the standard of service they have received We have failed to provide a service to which...

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 6 years ago

Data with regard to all complaints received by the council in the 2014/15 financial year. A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction of our services. Individuals may consider that: They have not been treated with courtesy and fairness They are unhappy about the standard of service they have received We have failed to provide a service to which...

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 6 years ago

Local authorities must publish details of all grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations, as required by the Local Government Transparency Code 2014. Further information on council grants can be found on our website

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 6 years ago

Established in 2004, Barnet Homes is an Arm’s Length Management Organisation (ALMO), a not-for-profit company, part of The Barnet Group which is wholly owned by the Council. The 10-year Management Agreement with Barnet Homes provides the housing management service to the tenanted and leasehold properties owned by the Council. This includes income collection, empty property management, repairs, estate cleaning and grounds maintenance.

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 6 years ago

Copthall Sports Hub and Mill Hill Open Spaces Draft Masterplan (Full Version & Summary Version) that are referenced in the 14th March 2018 Environment Committee Report entitled 'Sports Hub and Mill Hill Open Spaces Draft Masterplan'. Updated Draft Spatial Masterplan for the Copthall Sports Hub that is referenced in the 13th September 2018 Environment Committee Report entitled Implementation of the...

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London Borough of Barnet
Updated 6 years ago

Barnet is in the process of developing a transport strategy to understand and improve the way individuals travel across the borough.   With population expected to reach 400,000 by 2020 Barnet is now London’s most populous borough. The growth in Barnet’s population will change our existing communities, attracting a younger and more diverse population, in addition to this, the increase in population...

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 6 years ago

Details of funerals conducted by London Borough of Barnet Data includes: Name Date of birth Date of death Last known address Address type Date of funeral Whether and when information was provided to the Government Legal Department (formerly TSol) Type of funeral. GLD - Government Legal Department TSoL - Treasury Solicitor's Department

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 6 years ago

This forms part of the Sustainable Transport Strategy Resource Library, please click here for more information. There has never been a larger volume of strategies and guidance for improving transport in London. There are many consultancies as well as government organisations that provide these and they provide the basis for all programmes instigated by Local Authorities.