25 Results

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 2 years ago

Library membership A count of library members by Lower super output area. A library member is any user registered with the library service.   Columns Local authority – Barnet Count date – date of the count in format YYYY-MM-DD Area code – Lower super output area code. If address data is unavailable for a member,...

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 2 years ago

Library Stock Summary Details the amount of physical book stock held in Barnet Libraries on a given date. Columns Local authority – Barnet Library name – each item has a home location on our library management systems which is where the book should be found if it is not on loan Count date...

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 2 years ago

Library loans A loan is the issuing of an item of stock to a member of the library service. A renewal of an item already on loan is counted as an additional loan. Loans of both physical and electronic materials are included. Columns Local authority – Barnet Month – the month of the...

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 3 years ago

Mobile library stops in Barnet. It contains the location and timing for mobile library stops. For more information, please see our website.

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 3 years ago

Events A library event is an event facilitated or organised by the Barnet Libraries. Each event is listed separately. More information here - https://schema.librarydata.uk/events Columns Local authority - Barnet Library Name – where the event took place. Some events are not held in libraries and are marked as Outreach. Event date – format YYYY-MM-DD Name – the name...

London Borough of Barnet
Added 4 years ago

Library statistics 2018-19 There are the following tabs on the excel file 'Table 1 Loans' - contains data on loans for the financial year. A loan is a loan + renewal where applicable 'Table 2 Stock' - the amount of library stock available to customers according to the library management system 'Table 3 Additions'...

(51.30 kB)
London Borough of Barnet
Added 4 years ago

Library statistics 2017-18 There are the following tabs on the excel file 'Table 1 Loans' - contains data on loans for the financial year. A loan is a loan + renewal where applicable  'Table 2 Stock' - the amount of library stock available to customers according to the library management system  'Table 3 Additions'...

London Borough of Barnet
Added 4 years ago

Links to all the most current library datasets can be found below

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 6 years ago

...comprehensive choice of travel options for residents that effectively integrate with one another. It will also provide a high level blueprint to move forward and meet new and emerging challenges as well as providing a local application of the Mayor’s Transport Strategy goals. As part of this strategy an online library has been developed to provide a resource to reinforce decision making and make the strategy more transparent to stake holders. Barnet is in the process of developing a transport strategy to understand and improve the way individuals travel across the borough.   With population expected to reach 400,000 by 2020 Barnet...

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 7 years ago

Annual statistics on Libraries in the London Borough of Barnet including: Loans Stock Additions Deletions Reservations Borrowers For more information visit the Barnet Libraries webpage