London Borough of Barnet
Updated 2 years ago

Library membership A count of library members by Lower super output area. A library member is any user registered with the library service.   Columns Local authority – Barnet Count date – date of the count in format YYYY-MM-DD Area code – Lower super output area code. If address data is unavailable for a member, or for any other reason the LSOA is not known, they...

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 2 years ago

Library Stock Summary Details the amount of physical book stock held in Barnet Libraries on a given date. Columns Local authority – Barnet Library name – each item has a home location on our library management systems which is where the book should be found if it is not on loan Count date – in format YYYY-MM-DD Type – the item type as stored in...

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 2 years ago

Library loans A loan is the issuing of an item of stock to a member of the library service. A renewal of an item already on loan is counted as an additional loan. Loans of both physical and electronic materials are included. Columns Local authority – Barnet Month – the month of the count of loans in format YYYY-MM Type – the item type Loans – the...

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 3 years ago

Mobile library stops in Barnet. It contains the location and timing for mobile library stops. For more information, please see our website.

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 3 years ago

Events A library event is an event facilitated or organised by the Barnet Libraries. Each event is listed separately. More information here - https://schema.librarydata.uk/events Columns Local authority - Barnet Library Name – where the event took place. Some events are not held in libraries and are marked as Outreach. Event date – format YYYY-MM-DD Name – the name of the event Main outcome -...

London Borough of Barnet
Added 4 years ago

Library statistics 2017-18 There are the following tabs on the excel file 'Table 1 Loans' - contains data on loans for the financial year. A loan is a loan + renewal where applicable  'Table 2 Stock' - the amount of library stock available to customers according to the library management system  'Table 3 Additions' - the amount of library stock added to the library...

London Borough of Barnet
Added 4 years ago

Links to all the most current library datasets can be found below

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 4 years ago

As part of the new Corporate Plan (Barnet 2024), each Theme Committee produced an Annual Delivery Plan for 2019/20 which identified performance indicators. Performance indicators are reported quarterly and can be found below. More information about the delivery plans can be found here. Performance indicators are reported to the following committees. More information and context can be found below: Adults and Safeguarding Committee Children, Education...

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 7 years ago

Annual statistics on Libraries in the London Borough of Barnet including: Loans Stock Additions Deletions Reservations Borrowers For more information visit the Barnet Libraries webpage

London Borough of Barnet
Added 7 years ago

Annual statistics on Libraries in the London Borough of Barnet including: Yearly and weekly visitor figures For more information visit the Barnet Libraries webpage