London Borough of Barnet
Updated 7 years ago

This statistical first release from the Department for Education contains national and local authority level results for EYFSP assessments in England for 2013 to 2014. The release includes the number and percentage of children achieving: at least the expected level in all early learning goals within an area of learning each assessment rating within the 17 early learning goals ...

Department for Education
Added 7 years ago

Revised information on the 2015 national curriculum assessment at key stage 2, including breakdowns by pupil characteristics. Revised results for key stage 2 (11-year-olds) at national, regional and local authority level. It includes test results for: reading maths grammar, punctuation and spelling It covers teacher assessments in: English maths science reading and writing It also includes figures on...

Department for Education
Added 7 years ago

This statistical first release (SFR) gives provisional headline figures on 2017 key stage 2 national curriculum assessment results for pupils in schools in England. It includes results from the key stage 2 tests in: reading mathematics grammar, punctuation and spelling writing teacher assessments

Department for Education
Added 7 years ago

Revised information on the 2016 national curriculum assessment at key stage 2, including breakdowns by pupil characteristics. This statistical first release (SFR) provides revised 2016 key stage 2 national curriculum assessment results for pupils in schools in England at national, regional and local authority level. It also provides: figures on the new measures of pupil progress between key stage 1 (typically age...

Department for Education
Added 7 years ago

Statistics and analysis on statements of special educational needs (SEN) and education, health and care (EHC) plans in England. This publication includes data on: the number of statements of SEN and EHC plans in place in January 2016 the number of statements and plans made for the first time during 2015 the percentage of statements and plans that were...

Department for Education
Added 7 years ago

Statistics and analysis on statements of special educational needs (SEN) and education, health and care (EHC) plans in England. This statistical first release (SFR) includes information on: the number of statements of SEN and EHC plans in place at January 2017 the number of EHC plans made for the first time during the 2016 calendar year the number and...

Department for Education
Added 7 years ago

Information from the school census on pupils with special educational needs (SEN), and SEN provision in schools. This statistical first release (SFR) provides analyses on the characteristics of pupils by their: level of SEN provision - education, health and care (EHC) plan or SEN support type of SEN It is based on pupil-level data collected via the school census. The technical note...

Department for Education
Updated 7 years ago

Information from the school census on pupils with special educational needs (SEN), and SEN provision in schools. Information on the characteristics of pupils by their: level of SEN provision - education, health and care (EHC) plan or SEN support type of SEN It is based on pupil-level data collected by the Department for Education via the school census. This SFR series...

Department for Education
Updated 7 years ago

Statistics and analysis on statements of special educational needs (SEN) and education, health and care (EHC) plans in England. This statistical first release from the Department of Education provides statistics and analysis on data from the SEN2 survey earlier than in previous years. It provides information on reforms introduced in September 2014. In July 2015 the DfE published a second statistical publication,...

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 7 years ago

A location list of waste and recycling centres in North London