The meeting of the Environment Committee on 12 March 2020 will consider a report on Sports Hubs master planning. The development of three Sports Hubs in Barnet was one of the recommendations of the Parks and Open Spaces Strategy and the Playing Pitch Strategy. A consultancy, SLC, was appointed to develop a draft master plan and carry out a feasibility study and these were reported to the meeting of the Environment Committee on 14 March 2019, where it was agreed that a full public and stakeholder consultation would be carried out on the draft master plan. The feasibility study including the draft master plan is published on this portal.


SLC was appointed to carry out the public and stakeholder consultation, and this has taken place. The results of the consultation and the final master plan will be reported to the meeting of the Environment Committee on 12 March 2020, with a recommendation that the final master plan is agreed. The addendum report including the consultation report and the final master plan are set out here.

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