London Borough of Barnet
Updated a year ago

Local authorities must publish details of all grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations, as required by the Local Government Transparency Code 2014.

London Borough of Barnet
Added a year ago

Barnet Local Education Authority Schools financial benchmarking on income and expenditure • Annual returns are sent to DfES as part of a statutory return    • Once DfEs has signed off, these are published annually on Barnet website every August / September.   • The return is for Barnet Maintained Schools only, Barnet do not hold Academy school data For more see

London Borough of Barnet
Updated a year ago

Amounts paid by each Local Education Authority school in Barnet directly on supply cover (as recorded for Consistent Financial Reporting purposes under code E02) and also to third parties in relation to agency supply staff (as recorded for Consistent Financial Reporting purposes under code E26). These figures are taken from Local Benchmarking Spreadsheet based on the Consistent Financial Reporting (CFR) data...

London Borough of Barnet
Updated a year ago

With the aim of going over and above the requirements of the Local Government Transparency Code 2015, the Council now publishes all Council expenditure down to the smallest payment. The Council will publish data monthly in arrears capturing all the individual disclosures provided during the year. For reasons of privacy, payments to individuals including foster carers, children's and adult carers are not...

The Barnet Plan sets out a vision for a place where our streets are clean and antisocial behaviour is dealt with so residents feel safe. Providing good quality, customer friendly services in all that we do. Crime Violent Crime Statistics Violence against the person is a broad offence group covering a wide spectrum of offending from homicide and serious violent crime through to...

Barnet will be a place fit for the future, where all residents, businesses and visitors benefit from improved sustainable infrastructure & opportunity. Thriving town centres, provide a well-supported framework enabling residents seeking to achieve their economic potential and opportunities for them to participate in their communities, support others and help to develop the voluntary organisations which we work with. The economic...

What is the JSNA? The Barnet Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) presents data to support the local authority, local NHS organisations and other public and private organisations including the voluntary sector, assess the current and future health, care and wellbeing needs of the borough and our community to inform local decision making. A comprehensive picture of the borough is presented through a...

Introduction: The Barnet Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is the evidence base for understanding population-level need in Barnet. It has been designed to support and inform joined up decision making and commissioning by Barnet Council and Health Partners, alongside the wider public and voluntary sectors, and private sector service providers. The purpose of a JSNA is to allow the local partnership to...

Public Health Outcomes Framework This is a national data tool by Public Health England, and includes the latest data for Barnet benchmarked against national and other comparator areas, plus trend data. There are several themes across the top of the tool, each theme opens a separate data dashboard of indicators. The dashboard is colour coded to highlight areas that are significantly better...

Barnet will be a place with fantastic facilities for all ages, enabling people to live happy and healthy lives. Mortality All age all-cause Mortality All age, all-cause mortality is a measure of the number of deaths for people resident within a particular geography. A mortality rate (in this case per 100,000 population) is calculated to allow comparison between areas of different population sizes...