Inequalities Back to People Inequalities amongst different populations exist across Barnet. This includes inequality by geographic area, age, sex, and ethnic group. The Inequalities Dashboard summaries inequalities data for the following areas: children and education, health and social care, housing and deprivation, and employment. Headline Figures In 2022/23, the highest rates of relative (22.4%) and absolute (17.5%) child poverty were observed among children in...

People Infographic Sources Back to People Population Overview Deprivation by LSOA: English Indices of Deprivation 2019 – Summaries at Local Authority Level (2019). Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. Available at: (Retrieved 18 March 2024). All other graphics: United Kingdom Census (2021). Office for National Statistics. Available at: (Retrieved 12 March 2024). Start Well Population: United Kingdom Census (2021). Office for National Statistics....

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) The Barnet Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) presents data to support the local authority, local NHS organisations and other public and private organisations including the voluntary sector, assess the current and future health, care and wellbeing needs of the borough and our community to inform local decision making. A comprehensive picture of the borough is presented through...

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Census 2021 Dashboards and Tools Welcome to the Insight and Intelligence Hub The Insight & Intelligence (I&I) Hub works across the council, partner organisations and pan-London to form an innovative way of working, collaborating to deliver insight-driven decision making, embed preventative approaches and increase efficiencies that are improving outcomes for residents. The team support different areas, from creating visualisations and...

Geographic Areas Back to JSNA menu The JSNA includes data presented at a range of different geographical areas. The table below outlines and defines these. Geographic Area Definition Output Area (OA) The lowest level of geographical area for census statistics. They comprise between 40 – 250 households and have a resident population between 100 – 625 people. Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) They are made up of groups...

NHS Digital
Updated 2 months ago

Definition Extract of the NHS Consolidated Pharmaceutical Listed filtered to the Barnet Health and Wellbeing Board. This dataset consolidates the pharmaceutical lists which NHS England has a regulatory duty to prepare, maintain and publish for each Health and Wellbeing Board area. This consolidated list includes lists of 1) NHS pharmacies (also known as NHS community pharmacies and; 2) NHS appliance contractors (also...

Broad Population Overview Back to People Population size According to the 2021 Census, Barnet has 389,340 residents. This makes it the 2nd largest London borough by population size. Compared to the 2011 Census, Barnet’s population grew by 9%; this is a larger population growth than the London average (7.6%) and the England average (6.6%). There are more females than males in Barnet, with 51.6%...

London Borough of Barnet
Updated 2 months ago

Definition Extract of Ordnance Survey's Code-Point® Open product filtered for London Borough of Barnet coverage. Data has been processed from the .csv schema filtering on the administrative district code, with administrative district and ward names appended for ease of use Postcodes do not have an exact match to administrative boundaries, see the Ordnance Survey product support page for full definition. Purpose These datasets have been...

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Planet Infographic Sources Back to Planet Pollutant sources: London Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (2019). Greater London Authority. Available at:–laei–2019 (Retrieved 26 March 2023). Air pollution mortality: Office for Health Improvement & Disparities. Public Health Profiles. Available at: © Crown copyright 2024 (Retrieved 26 March 2024). School NO2 concentration: London Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (2019). Greater London Authority. Available at:–laei–2019 (Retrieved 26 March 2023). Noise...

Places Infographic Sources Back to Places Housing: United Kingdom Census (2021). Office for National Statistics. Available at: (Retrieved 12 March 2024). Crime: Street-level Crime Data (2023). Police UK. Available at: (Retrieved 26 March 2024). Schools: Schools, pupils and their characteristics (2023). Department for Education. Available at: © Crown copyright 2024 (Retrieved 21 March 2024). EV: Electric vehicle charging device statistics (2024). Department...